Printing the Panobook

A few months back we were the lucky printer in charge of the Panobook.  Our friends; Studio Neat out of Austin created this gem of a panoramic notebook last year and launched it via KickStarter with great success. To our surprise and delight, they filmed and narrated the process as seen through the eyes of someone outside of The Odee Company. Hopefully after watching you’ll get a better sense of the care our CSR’s, PrePress, Pressmen, Letter Pressmen, and Bindery pour into each job that rolls through our shop.

Take a watch below and let us know what you think…have your CC ready as you’ll probably want to order one of these keepsake journals for yourself.

Benefits of the Panobook:
-unique format designed for your desk
-subtle dot grid
-soft touch feel and highest quality stock
-sweet slipcase

The Odee Company; est. 1923

online eye test

Can you beat our online eye test results?

It’s time to do your free online eye test as everyone knows the importance of a good eye or 2 if you’re going to be in the graphic design or print industry. We have used the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test before. In 2001 I personally scored a 2. Flexed my muscle, dropped the PMS book and walked out of the pressroom. 2 years ago I gave it another run after 13 years of training my eyes on presschecks; scored a 4….not so pleasing, not so bad either.

Eye Test

This morning I decided to give the online eye test another run and see what 15 years of aging training has done. Scored a 0. Perfect. You want me on that critical presscheck. You NEED me on that critical presscheck. Proof below.


What’s your score?

Update 5.12.2020: I just took the test again and came in with a 2. That’s right. A 2. So somehow in 2001 I scored a 2. Aged 15 years and scored a 4. Then 4 years later a 2. What? I think this shows that 1) my eyes are still strong, and 2) the hues are so close that simple mistakes can be made. The results showed that I missed numbers 23 and 24 which are the blue/green region. I’ll look back on this in a year or 2 and see where we are. I’m just glad the online eye test website is still up. Best of luck to all of you and keep us informed on your results!

Test Here

Travis Stein
Dallas Printer

Wear a helmet when Duck Hunting

5:42pm, I received a text from one of the best shots I know; 2nd to Uncle Jerry “Bubba” Hunt. It’s a video. And it’s the greatest Duck Hunting video under 30 seconds I have ever seen. Wear your helmet when duck hunting.


As The Printer to The Outdoors, we receive a lot of videos and pictures from the field. Some we print as canvases, others we print as high quantity retail catalogs or store signage. We live for the weekends when we can get outdoors and live for the weekdays when we can print for the outdoors industry!



The Odee Company; est. 1923
The Printer to the Outdoors